Her parents William and Barbara divorced when she was three years old. Procter on näytellyt myös muun muassa Hamekyttä 2:ssa. Calleigh herself brings the murderer into custody after she catches him at a gun store. In season Calleigh is in her lab when a certain type of bullet rolls off the table.

She became mainly popularized among the public after appearing in the NBC political drama “The West Wing”. Emily Procter is an American actress. Raleigh, Severna Karolina, Združene države Amerike. Narodila sa a študovala v Severnej Karolíne.
Keď jej boli dva roky jej rodičia (William a Barbara) sa rozviedli. Potom čo vyštudovala žurnalistiku a tanec na univerzite vo Východnej Karolíne stala sa moderátorkou počasia v Greenville v Severnej Karolíne. Procterilla on tytär, jonka hän sai poikaystävänsä, muusikko Paul Bryanin kanssa. Harrastuksenaan Procter juoksee kaksi tuntia päivässä ja on osallistunut useisiin triathloneihin ja maratoneihin. Hun var to år gammel, da hendes forældre blev skilt.
Hun studerede journalistik, og blev ansat som vejr anker i North Carolina. Ravenscroft School í Raleigh. East Carolina háskólann þá var hún meðlimur Alpha Delta Pi. I tried to get in the theatre department, she says, but it was full.
It tells the story of eight singles whose night of drunken debauchery goes terribly wrong. She graduated with a degree in journalism and dance, then took a job as a weather girl at a local television station. She was two years old when her parents William Procter (a general practitioner) and Barbara Procter divorced. She has an older brother named Whit Procter , who was adopted before her.

Living in poverty, his mother has done everything in her power to give her son a. Mert ez az első, amit rögtön észrevesz rajta az ember. Nagyon szép, bájos kisugárzása van. A Miami helyszínelőkben jól alakít, nekem kissé talán túl unalmas is a szerepe,.
It sponsored 1athletes at the London games that year. The blonde actress was always considered as a hot woman who acted in number of movies and TV shows which the audience find interesting. Ko je bila stara tri leta, sta se njena starša, William Procter (splošni zdravnik) in Barbara Jones (prostovoljka), ločila.
Ima starejšega brata Whita, ki je tako kot ona posvojen. Share with your friends. Procter hat an verschiedenen Triathlons und Marathons teilgenommen.
Sie ist eine Pokerspielerin und hat an mindestens einem Promi-Pokerturnier teilgenommen. Todos los datos estructurados de los espacios de nombres principal, Propieda, Lexema, y EntitySchema están disponibles bajo la licencia Creative Commons CC0. My Watchlist Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your.
She played Ainsley Hayes in the NBC political drama The West Wing and Det. See more ideas about Actresses, Eva larue and Ncis. Calleigh Duquesne in the CBS police procedural drama CSI: Miami.
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